Our Clients

Here are some of Lightning Experts clients;

The Sears Tower        Chicago, Illinois

The tallest building in North America has been protected with our brushes for over 20 years! Surely, you will agree that this location is at great risk for lightning strikes- time and time again our system has continued to give full protection.



TXU Electric- Comanche Peak Nuclear Plant Texas

The largest nuclear power plant in America has utilized our system for over 8 years. To insure full protection Lightning Experts schedules routine site surveys on a periodic basis as an extra layer of caution. This allows us to upgrade the system where needed if the site has changed in any way.



Traffic Security Cameras      PPD 114’s & PPD-1200’s

Lightning Experts is providing structural lightning protection for traffic security cameras through out the U.S. These types of projects require customization for each specific application. The flexibility of our system has allowed us to successfully meet the needs of each individual site.



Tennessee Gas Pipeline and Southern Natural Gas

We provided a complete structural lightning protection system, at each of these locations, which includes a 300′ communication tower. The adaptability of our system was truly utilized on each site. We are very proud to say that they have been fully protected, without a single incident after installing our product. Please see photo



South America  Bogotá, Columbia

The busy International Airport in Bogotá has relied on our system for over eight years without incident. They simply cannot lose power – people’s lives are depending on them.



Hospitals Across The Southeast

Lightning Experts has been successful in providing full protection in many hospital facility’s where their power supplies and computers are crucial.


Field Tested Products
PPD-1900                     “Wind Test”
In May 2001 a wind test was conducted at a major northern university in a scientifically controlled environment. One of our customers has sites in the mid-west where winds can exceed 150 mph. The PPD-1900 withstood this test with flying colors!

PPD-114                     “New Product”
The PPD-114 Passive-Point Discharge Brush has been developed specifically for tower cameras, commercial roof tops, satellite dishes and other applications. The brush is constructed using 100% stainless steel.